sábado, 10 de diciembre de 2016

USA: Non-White babies now outnumbers the White birth rate

White babies are now outnumbered by 'minority' babies, according to new population estimates from the Census Bureau.

Racial and ethnic babies made up 50.2% of all babies born in the USA in 2015. Last year, 1,995,102 minority babies were born, just slightly more than the 1,982,936 White babies born.

The USA is on track to have a non-White majority (be a White minority) by around 2044. Probably sooner, depending on how quickly the traitors in the White House import 3rd world'ers.

On one hand you'll have the bleeding heart idealists saying: So, what's the problem? On the other hand you'll have the race realists feeling deflated at how their own leaders have sold the country out.

Unfortunately, common sense has left the building. Actually, that building has burned down long ago. 

For the most part, politicians are the weakest and weaselish people and suffer from severe cases of idealism. These delusional dolts think they are so powerful and important, that their legacy will change the future of the world. Most politicians are not there to represent the will of the people, but to represent their will over the people.

And if that means selling out your country and the citizens to create an idealistic legacy, then so be it.

So, let's think about what the USA will look like in the future, as it becomes less White and more Brown/Black.

Let's take Brazil as an example, where the African-Brazil/mixed race population outnumbered the White Brazilians in 2010: 

Preliminary results from the 2010 census, released on Wednesday, show that 97 million Brazilians, or 50.7% of the population, now define themselves as black or mixed race, compared with 91 million or 47.7% who label themselves white.
Back in 2000, 53.7% of the population identified as White. 

And as we have seen all across the globe, as the White race decreases in a country, and the Brown/Black races increases, prosperity drops, crime increases and society becomes more uncivilised, low-IQ'd, low-skilled, and poverty increases. Education standards, life-expectancy and health standards all drop. And White flight takes place.

America is on course to replicate the fate of Brazil.

Where will Whites flee to next in the coming generations? Very soon there will be no more White-majority countries as Western countries all seem to be having a race against each other to see which one can be less White the quickest.

You have to laugh when the idealists keep banging on about White privilege, White racism and White prosperity. They are worried about myths when it's the White race under constant attack by all races. Non-White people keep complaining about the White race, yet can't leave the Whites alone. 

I wonder why that is? Could it be due to their racial inferiority complexes???

At the end of the day, the White race is its own worse enemy. We have the whole package - Beauty, Brains and Brawn - yet we don't respect, defend or appreciate that package. We built up our own civilisation, traditions and own way of life, only to hand it all over so cheaply to those incapable of replicating the same.

Well done us.

(Source: ozziesaffa.blogspot.com) votar

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