viernes, 15 de julio de 2016

Race War Brewing: Dallas Shooter Confirmed to Have Been Been Member of New Black Panther Party

A Donald Trump Administration is definitely going to have to consider options meant to suppress Negro insurgent groups such as the New Black Panthers, as it has become obvious that they are now in the midst of a transition from an annoying group of baboons, to an Iraq-style series of militias.
My educated opinion is that Dallas, and the events of yesterday, are only the first shots in what will turn out to be a massive struggle of the races in the United States.
The Blacks, and assorted allies from among Hispanics and traitorous Whites, have now like a vicious primordial beast, scented blood, and are going in for the kill.
Calls for restraint by Black leaders, notably Christian preachers, have begun to fall by the wayside, with even them starting to jump like gorillas at the thought of butchering some pale-faced honkeys.
Micah X. Johnson was a member of the Houston New Black Panther Party for a short period of time. He was reported to be a member for about six months a few years ago.

Quanell X told reporters at KPRC NBC2 in Houston that Johnson was a member of the Houston Chapter of the New Black Panther Party for a short time a few years ago. He said he parted ways with Johnson after about six months because Johnson would not follow the chain of command.
During negotiations with the Dallas Police Department Friday morning during the ambush shooting that left five officers dead and seven other people shot, Johnson said he was not part of any group. He stated he wanted to kill white people and white police officers.

Obama marched with the Black Panthers in 2007. MSM does not want to bring this fact up.


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